Cyanotype Landsacape 氰版山水論文發表
Text,Image and East Asia Culture Interaction
Virtual International Conference
主辦 Organizer
新加坡南洋理工大學人文學院 Nanyang Technological University Singapore
合作單位 Conference Co-organizers
日本東京大學東洋文化研究所 Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo.
韓國成均館大學東亞藝術學院 Academy of East Asia Studies, Sungkyunkwan University
德國不來梅大學和文學科學院 Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Sciences, Bremen University
香港都會大學人文學院 School of Arts and Social Science, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Cultural Studies Association, Taiwan
新山水:文圖學視角下的視覺語言創新-以氰版山水圖為例 The Scope of illustrative Abstraction: Viewers from Text and Image Studies - Cyanotype’s Creativity and Visual arts display
徐思穎 Hsu Szu Ying
關鍵詞 圖文學 氰版法 山水圖像 視覺藝術 東方文化
Text and image studies, Cyanotype, Landscape, Visual arts, Oriental culture
本研究從東方傳統圖像意義革變、攝影美學的東方化兩個問題展開,以氰版山水(Cyanotype Landsacpe)為對象,探討山水圖像在媒材與方法創新背後於視覺解讀上的變化與啟示。 山水圖像是東亞美術中的核心議題,從春秋時期描繪自然的壁畫、漢朝的仙山、唐宋山水中對「禪」理解到當代攝影中的山水擬像之省思,「山水」基本承襲了東方社會中「道」、「感悟」的文化需求。氰版山水圖除了融入既有的東方哲思,在創作上卻脫離了筆墨勾畫的傳統範式,透過材料與方法上創新描繪出全然不同的藍色山水,不僅擴展了東方山水圖像歷史語意,同時也將作為西方文明產物的影像技法引入到山水美學中。以氰版山水圖創作者吳季璁的《 氰山集》為例,他將塗有感光材料的宣紙揉皺並進行曝光,並利用宣紙不規則的紋理構成了豐富的藍調與白色,接著以拼貼構築山水圖像,創造出如真似幻的觀看錯覺。 研究結合文獻分析與氰版山水創作者吳季璁的深度訪談,以圖像研究為核心,展開東西方視覺文化的討論,研究發現氰版山水改變了氰版攝影「寫實」的攝影美學與歷史定位,同時為東方山水圖像注入了新的抽象意義。
From the essence of Text and Image studies’ revolution, to an “East meets West” distinct form of culture understanding. The unique craftsmanship of Oriental Landscape brings an inspirational effect of adopting the mountainous and cloud mist paintings through different social developments; a form of Zen - “Taoism” inherits its purity and comprehension during the trend of Song Dynasty. Cyanotype Landscape unites ancient Western photographic technique, and Eastern nature scene rooted in Chinese aesthetics created through innovation of materials and novelty. Prolific Cyanotype Landscaping Artist, Wu Chi-Tsung and his Cyano-Collage series appear as traditional Chinese landscape. The series implemented cyanotypes on Xuan paper with a photosensitive coating, then exposed under sunlight. Experimenting with crumpled Xuan-paper in natural wrinkles and cracks, result in stunning collaged images that resemble mountains, rivers, and hovering clouds. This expanded both oriental context and western historical assets in photography in terms of upbringing the connectivity of mutual creativity. This study includes Literature Analysis and in-depth interview with artist Wu Chi-Tsung, on researching cyanotype illustration and its valuable historical positioning. A new era of “oriental landscaping” opens a new chapter on Cyanotype artwork in our language studies of Visual Arts.
Cyanotype Artist 氰版藝術家專訪
吳季璁 / Artist
在我們既定的印象中,「山水畫」應該是白紙黑墨的視覺舞動,在墨色的深淺間展現筆觸的豐富性。有一位藝術家結合攝影中的氰版攝影法(藍曬法),在「無筆無墨」的狀態下,創作了一系列令人動容的藍色山水《皴法習作》(Wrinkled Texture )與《氰山集》 (Cyano-Collage)。運用浸、揉、曬、拼的手法,畫中的山嵐與稜線,磅礴中卻不失雅韻,這是他長達十年的材質研究的成果,他是吳季璁,在跨域過程裡尋找無限可能的藝術實驗者。
吳季璁創作《氰山集之九十五》,吳季璁台北工作室,2021 圖/吳季璁工作室
韓沁 / Artist
遷徙時代三聯幅,2018,71.2×144.2公分,藍曬、水彩、絲綢噴繪 圖/韓沁、否畫廊
Camera-less Photography 無相機攝影研究
實物投影法 / Photogram
還記得我們在攝影專題聊過的「藍曬法」嗎?作為無相機攝影( Camera-less photography)家族的一員,藍曬法還有許多「兄弟姊妹」呢!這些家族成員各有特色,有些作法甚至超乎想像,有多神奇?且聽我們一一道來!
光跡成像、化學成像 / Luminograms Chemigrams
繪製 / 徐思穎